
Simply Elegant Dessert

Panna Cotta? What's that?

Panna Cotta is an absolutely delicious Italian dessert. It is a bit like mousse, but I think is even better. It is so simple to make. I usually make a vanilla bean panna cotta, but you can easily change the flavorings to suit what you like. I like it as vanilla though because it is an excellent backdrop to adorn with any fresh fruit.


1 1/4 cup milk
1 1/4 cup cream
1/4 cup sugar
1 3/4 tsp gelatin
3 TBL cold water
1 vanilla bean, split

1. put water in a small bowl. Sprinkle with the gelatin slowly so it absorbs. Do not stir, and let sit for at least 5 minutes.
2. scald milk and cream with vanilla in it to infuse the milk with the vanilla flavor.
3. microwave gelatin for 5 seconds! do not overheat, it will destroy the gelatin. If it isn't liquid microwave it for 5 seconds again.
4. strain milk to remove the outside of the bean, it should be smooth but have the vanilla speckles. add the gelatin. keep stirring over a bowl of ice so that the temperature starts to come down. The mixture must be partially set before you put it in the mold in order for the vanilla beans to not all sink to the bottom.
5. pour into molds. You can either make one big panna cotta, or personal sized ones. Refrigerate until it is set, you can even freeze them to work faster. Once they are set in the molds you can warm up the outside of the molds with you hands to extract the panna cottas.

I hope you enjoy!

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