
The Skinny on Fats

I have a lot of opinions on fats. I believe in butter. I’ve never bought margarine and never plan on it. I use Crisco to practice my cake decorating but that is just because it’s cheap. I don't actually eat the frosting I make out of it. And I don’t use lard. I put a piece of bacon into a meal and will use that as the fat in the meal. And I love olive oil.


Butter- Butter melts at mouth temperature. If you have ever noticed a filmy taste on the roof of your mouth after a dessert, 9 times out of 10 its because they used some other fat. It can be harder to work with at times, but I think it is worth it. And I just don’t believe margarine is healthier than butter. Yes limit your intake, but it you are going to do something, I say do it right. Go with unsalted for ALL BAKING and COOKING. Only use salted for toast or sandwiches (I have to admit a love for salted butter, I though it was just amazing restaurant butter until I found out that all we had in my house growing up was unsalted, but I still never buy salted. It helps me eat less because I never smear it on bread)

Bacon- one piece of bacon thrown into a sauce or pasta or pizza can add so much flavor. And one piece of bacon isn’t going to hurt you. We never cook bacon for breakfast, it is always an ingredient, not a menu item. Using it this way gives great fat flavor that goes farther.

Olive Oil- It is the good kind of fat and delicious. If you don’t like the strong flavor or high price go for one that isn’t extra virgin. Save that for when you want that flavor (salads, dips, etc.)

Canola/Vegetable Oil- It is cheap, has little flavor and it good for making brownies or quickly sautéing something. Really that is the only reason I use it. Use it when you don’t want the fats flavor to be noticeable.

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