
Thirty in Thirty

I recently heard of a man who ran 50 marathons in fifty days. My sister's idea seems less daunting. 30 blogs in 30 days. She has started this with her blog (plaidsandprints.blogspot.com), so for anyone who needs a creative outlet, or a few quick ideas or hints, now is a good time to check her out.

So here is day one of my thirty.

INTERNATIONAL COOKING sometimes seems overwhelming. You decide to make something and then REALIZE you can't even PRONOUNCE some of the spices, let alone have them in your pantry. But international food is AMAZING. There is so much you might not even REALIZE you are missing. Last night we had GREEK night.


Grilled Chicken with a LEMON vinaigrette
Cucumber TZATZIKI Salad
and for dessert:

Apple Toffee BAKLAVA

YUMMY! And honestly it was all so easy. My tip of the day:


That's right. We even used this book as a textbook in my international cooking class. It is excellent, has great recipes and really breaks things down well. I'm a bit of a SNOB though, so mine is wrapped in brown paper, because it is a bit embarrassing to have a dummies book.

So now there's no excuse.

I am feeling INDIA later this week, but likely a QUICK TRIP to ITALY first.

So the QUESTION is WHERE are you going this week?


allison said...

We went to Mexico tonight.
I think we may swing through Italy, and maybe we will go through Greece as well. Sounds good!

Sarah said...

My husband took me to Italy.
Do they actually serve colorful bowtie pasta in Italy? If they don't,they should, his was scruptious.
I really want to go back to Greece for the Apple Toffee Baklava. I don't think I could ever have enough of that.