
Vegetable Stock

Today was a Tomato Sauce Day. I was running low in my freezer so I decided it was time. When I was done I had a slightly tomato-ish, rather large pot that I didn't want to wash and said to myself, today I will also make vegetable stock.

Vegetable stock is used in place of that canned chicken broth you can buy. You can also make chicken stock but as I am growing more vegetarian every day I am making vegetable stock. It is the hardest thing to screw up, tastier than the canned stuff, incredibly useful and very thrifty if done right. Have I mentioned I am loving being thrifty lately? What with the economic downturn I am trying my best to make great food and keep to my budget. This is a good example of said endeavor.


(Everything that has started to wilt and so you will no longer use, the peels of vegetables, the tops of celery....and the list goes on, just dont use things like pomegranates, beets, potatoes or avocados, they have qualities that make the stock cloudy, too flavorful, or oddly colored) I keep my scrap vegetables in the freezer in a baggy all together until stock day comes. How thrifty is that? It's practically garbage~
Garlic Any herbs from your garden(I don't think they are worth buying for this)
Whole Peppercorns

I didn't give any measurements because it depends on how much you are making. And it is also something that doesent have to be perfect. For about a quart of vegetables I would use 1-2 gallons of water, 4 cloves of garlic and like 10 peppercorns.

  1. Bring the mixture to a steady simmer.
  2. Let simmer for 45 minutes.
  3. Strain out all the vegetables so you are left with a broth.
Uses include: Making sauces, soups, casseroles, poaching, marinades.....

Today after making my tomato sauce and stock can you guess what I made?

Tomato Soup! Love it. I filld the blender halfway up with stock, the other half sauce, added a scoop of sour cream (we only have vanilla soy in the fridge and no cream, hence the sour cream-its wonderful though), and a few sun dried tomatoes for extra flavor. Blend and serve.

With it we had Irish Cheddar Paninis. Talk about sharp cheddar. We take cheese very seriously in our house.

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